So we have been getting a lot of emails about our newly posted Medical School Admission Guide online.
And since most of the students that use this website are pre-medical students at different levels of their educational career, we want to help them get a copy of this guide book ASAP. In order words, Get More Out Of College will buy the book for you and have it delivered directly to your inbox. Here's How You Can Get The Medical College Admission Guide for FREE. Starting 03/31/2011 through 04/14/2011 at 11:59pm CST (14 days)
We love all our students and want to invest more in order to help them, however the requirements above let us know if the student has what it takes for us to also go that Extra Mile for him/her. Thank you and Goodluck. Remember, you only have 14 days if you want to get the Medical College Admission Guide for FREE. Yours, The Eliel Arrey Team Get More Out Of College.
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Quickly there are a lot of myths about the medical school admission process. Lets just get some of them exposed so that we can make sure we're all on the same page. :) COMMON MYTHS ABOUT MEDICAL SCHOOL ADMISSION by the
Myth # 1: I need perfect undergraduate grades and a very high MCAT score to get into medical school. Myth # 2: Medical schools prefer students who are right out of college. An admission committee will not take my life experience into account. Myth # 3: Only applicants who attend a "big" school get accepted into medical school. Myth # 4: The most important part of the application process is my grades. Myth # 5: Medical school admission committees have a set standard for accepting an applicant. Myth # 6: The admission criteria for most medical schools is publicly available. The good news? ALL OF THESE MYTHS ARE FALSE. Recently we have added the Extra Mile service and in that we discuss the real 'reality' of the medical school admission process. Click here to go to that part of our website. Finally, in succeeding as a Biology student, one needs to know how to approach a biology exam and also how to control the feelings that follow failure. Dr. Frederick, PhD., breaks down how to approach exams and how to stay motivated even when failures arise. Dr. Frederick has always told her students that "Your grade is a number, but you are not. The exams are usually difficult but they are not a test of your intelligence." Be sure to take some notes as we deliver this last volume of "How to Succeed In Biology" Enjoy. Preparing For Exams. A continuation of How to Succeed in biology. Excerpts from college Biology professor, Dr. Frederick, PhD. Part 2 of 3 contains How to Study. An overview of the Do's and Don'ts when mastering Biology. Enjoy. How To Study More Effectively. This was lectured to me by Professor, Dr Frederick when I was a freshman in college. She laid the ground work for my success as she taught us Biology (the course) and How to Succeed In Biology (the Degree). I was quite inspired as always and I felt the need to share this with all students who may be seeking the same guidance that I once sought. With Dr. Frederick's permission, I have posted this online into series of success tips for students all around. Enjoy, take lots of good notes. Help! I’m Smart and I’m Failing Biology! (part 1 of 3) Interview with Dr. Lee Ann Frederick: How to Master College Biology and Do Something With It.3/1/2011 This week I had the special privilege of sitting down with Dr. Lee Ann Frederick, PhD, Biology professor at the University of Arlington Texas. We discussed many problems and challenges that college students face: from embracing biology to doing something with a biology degree. Dr. Frederick opens up and shares insider secrets on how to study biological sciences, how to get a letter of recommendation from any professor, how to choose a post undergraduate program, and much more. You can't miss this. I was very inspired and took lots of notes! So take lots of good notes as you listen too. :) Enjoy! Why Dr. Frederick? Dr. Frederick has a tremendous life story. One of trials, perseverance, and success. She has made it to where she is today because she endured and never gave up. She knows exactly what most students are going through now in their college life and has great advices that apply to the masses. She shares with us some things you can't afford not to know, such as how to get a letter of recommendation, how to master biology, and a simple trick on how to Ace it! I will recommend her to any student who is planning on taking College (Freshman) biology or Anatomy & Physiology (A&P). She is a great teacher. Subscribe to our Blog to stay in touch with our "Get More out of College" News. Coming soon -- Learning Organic chemistry is difficult. It is a science course that demands a higher level of reasoning. A special guest, PhD, shares with us 'How to learn Organic Chemistry'. Stay tuned. Drop Us any comments/feedback. Thanks
Finally, the long awaited website is up and running!!
This is going to be a news feed for a free information and college science resource. I love marketing and so I will spend some time sharing free marketing tips and ideas to all young entrepreneurs and small business owners. I am very excited! Great things are going to happen this year guys. Love you all Enjoy and lets rock and roll..... Eliel Arrey |
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